What was on my mind when I made a post? Click on the pictures and captions to find out :D

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Now, I am a rising Sophomore Junior at Princeton University studying Economics, Applied and Computational Mathematics, and Dance. 


Although it was cut short, my freshman year at Princeton was incredible. 

I joined DiSiac Dance Company, performed in the Princeton Dance Festival, and traveled the world with the TigerLaunch club. I am super excited to serve as Business Manager of DiSiac and Director of TigerLaunch this upcoming school year. 


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Midsummer Update

I love movies that move fast. A quick scene, a flash of events and then 1, 2, 3, 4 years later it's a new scene. There are only milestones. What happened in-between? Use your imagination to color between the lines.


2019 was monumental. Here are the highlights.

Valedictorian Speech | Voorhees High School Class of 2019


Life Hacks for Parents and Kids | Middle School Graduating Class of 2019.


President Speech | Recounting Adventures of Voorhees High School Class of 2019