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Letter to the President

(6th Grade Social Studies - December 2012)

Dear Mr. President,

My name is Naomi Benenson and I am a 6th grade student at Old Turnpike School in Tewksbury, New Jersey. I have little confidence that you will read my letter, but I will write it believing that you will. I have been researching and thinking about American budget deficit and debt. I often hear that my generation will inherit fiscal problems created by the current generation and that is the most important problem for America to deal with. The deeper I study the issue and more I hear adults answer my questions, the more convinced I become that a clear and unambiguous understanding of that subject does not exist. I hope you will find time to address my letter and my idea on how this complicated problem could be improved.
This is how I understand the problem with budget deficit and debt. Government provides many valuable services to its citizens, but does not collect enough money in taxes to cover for all incurred expenses, so that creates budget deficit. To cover the deficit, government borrows the money thus creating a national debt. To state the issue simply, government does not have enough money to provide for the needs of the country. Everywhere I look I see the same problem - not enough money; my township, my school, my neighbors, my friends’ families, and my family too. I think there is not a person in the world who would say “I have enough money”. Not even Bill Gates! My aunt receives grants from Gates Foundation for medical research; she says the foundation does not have enough money to pay for all the research it wants to do. My school could use money to buy new computers, renovate classrooms, and hire more teachers to make classes smaller. All that would be great for the students, teachers, and community, but there is no money for that. At the same time, there is no shortage of people who want to work and businesses that wish to be fully busy. If not for the general lack of money, all these people and businesses could be doing useful productive work.
This situation reminds me of my favorite board game, Monopoly. I have been playing it since I was seven years old. My sister and I noticed that often the game turns quickly uneven and boring when just one player, by the luck of the dice, acquires most of the properties and the rest don’t have enough money to stay interested in the game. To make the game more exiting, we changed the rules a bit. First, each player starts the game with $2000, not $1500; second, when passing “GO” we give $300 salary rather than $200. With new rules, all the players get to enjoy more buying and trading properties. There is much more excitement and the game is more fun to play. I don’t know how the amount of money that players get was decided upon originally, but I do wonder what that amount would be if it was calculated by modern computing methods. I think a smart computer program would concur with our discovery and recommend more money for the players.
Since I have to make a counter argument, I’ll go back to my example with a school. If every school has enough money to renovate, buy supplies and hire more teachers, then the prices for services and supplies will go up, making them unaffordable and returning things back to where we started. I disagree with that argument. First, I’m not proposing unlimited money for everybody. I am proposing to find out what the optimal amount of money in the economy should be. Second, I believe that the optimal amount of money will work to lower the prices. My uncle, who runs a small construction company, told me that as his business slowed down a lot, he had to raise prices for the remaining customers so he could still cover his expenses. Therefore, the lack of construction projects contributes to higher prices for those who can afford them.
I understand that in real life people do not pass “GO” to collect money, they have to work for it. However, too many people do not make money because there is no work. If the amount of money in the economy could be increased then people would earn more and more taxes would be collected to deal with the deficit and debt. I believe that the people of America will be so much happier if they had more money. That is why I am proposing to increase the amount of money people have. To distribute money to people fairly is not an easy task, however I know how it could be done. I would like to explain my solution to you, but I’m afraid this letter already took too much of your valuable time. If you write me back or send your adviser to meet with me, I will be happy to share my idea for the benefit of all American people.
Thank you, President Obama, for taking your time to read my letter.
Best Wishes,
                                                          Naomi Benenson

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